Jim Schultz: I'm not a big fan of working out, going to the gym, so if you get frustrated going to the gym on your own, if feel like you're spinning your wheels wasting time, one of the beautiful things about coming here is 45 minutes or an hour you get the entire workout in, you've done it correctly, you know correct form, and you feel it after one hour whereas you know you could go into the gym by yourself on a Saturday and spend two hours there and walk out feeling like what did I just do.

Client: For me being a tennis player who plays pretty actively I told him what my goals are, definitely you know tennis was my priority, and I wanted to just incorporate this for overall health and so he found what my weaknesses were from the sport that I play and then incorporated that into my routine to strengthen what I don't strengthen normally and that's really important because there's, I didn't want to go to the gym to improve the muscles that I already worked every day, I wanted to go to improve the muscles that I don't work every day and I had no clue what I did use and did not use and so enter Joel, who just kind of walked me through how to execute these movements and really focus on my goals.

Bill Dixon: I've run into some difficulties, some some physical limitations with arthritis and things like that, that have limited the intensity of the workouts, but Joel has been able to work around those limitations and still been making very good progress.

Valerie Cote: With a personal trainer what I expected was someone to help me set objectives and bring a balance to everything that I was doing. I really am impressed by how much Joel knows and he's really good about verbal cues and knowing what to look for and part of that experience and you would think that because he looks so young, that he wouldn't have that experience, but he's been doing this for a long time.

Stephen Defilippo: He pushes me to the limit to where I never felt a muscle burn or contract that hard and he he's actually opened my eyes it's a lot of things, but I've always wanted a motivator, but it definitely helps out to have Joel there to push me and critique me and made sure my form is good.

Kenny Crosswhite: When I go to gyms now I just sort of wander around and look at the equipment and so I was looking for something a little more specific to help me, I don't know, get the most use out of my time, but I'm concentrating on on actually the technique, doing it exactly right, getting the right amount of of work on that particular muscle for that particular exercise.

Jim Schultz: He might adjust you in a certain position just an inch this way and then you feel it actually working, working the muscle and that's what I love about Joel is he's, he's into the science of it he knows every every muscle, how to work that particular muscle, just parts of that muscle.

Valerie Cote: You're getting his experience but on top of that you're getting the 30 or 40 years of additional experience that his coaches and trainers have had.

Bill Dixon: It's a challenge and when you're done you feel great because you're energized and pumped up about it.

Kenny Crosswhite: He just encourages you,  you know when you finish he says "well done", gives you a fist pump, and you move to the next machine.

Jim Schultz: and you leave here knowing you worked out.