DuBose Fitness

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How to Make Your Fitness a Family Affair

By DuBose Fitness

Today’s families are busy. You work and your kids go to school. Maybe you have church or religious meetings throughout the week. Then there are


Get Your Picky Eaters Involved In Nutrition

By DuBose Fitness

Sometimes we parents run into a bit of a predicament. We truly want to be positive role models for our kids, and to foster healthy family habits,


For Parents: How to Be a Fitness Role Model For Your Family

By DuBose Fitness

Parents, we’ve all been there. “I don’t want to go outside. I’m in the middle of my game.” “I don’t want to eat my salad… may I have some more


8 Ways Exercise Will Benefit You As You Age

By DuBose Fitness

It’s likely you already know that the benefits of exercise go far beyond just looking good. However, as you age you may be finding yourself


5 Common Myths About Weightlifting You Should Ignore

By DuBose Fitness

When you hear the term “weightlifting,” what comes to mind? A large man, ripped with muscles tossing back protein drinks? Oiled, tan women flexing